2024, December 27
Share this articleAdvance HE and Nazarbayev University (NU) signed a new multi-year contract to develop international credentials in teaching and learning.
Key highlights of the partnership will include supporting NU staff to apply for Senior and Principal Fellowships, developing new teaching programs with the goal of achieving Advance HE accreditation in 2025, and building on a successful seven-year partnership that has included delivering the Professional Certificate of Academic Practice and providing researcher development support.
Professor Waqar Ahmad, President of NU, stated: "This new partnership with Advance HE illustrates NU’s commitment to our role as the leading university in Central Asia - in teaching as well as research. We have a proud tradition of research-integrated teaching. This partnership will leverage our strengths. Additionally, it will support us in enhancing standards in teaching and learning across Kazakhstan".
Mr Ian Hall, Head of Membership (International) Advance HE, explained: "Our partnership with NU shows that teaching excellence in higher education is a global priority. One of NU's strategic remits is to raise standards in higher education across Kazakhstan. This partnership will strengthen NU's leadership across governance, research and teaching."
The Advance HE Fellowship program is an international professional qualification framework for higher education teachers. This qualification is increasingly seen as the gold standard by many universities in the UK, Australasia, Africa, and Europe.