2024, October 7
Share this articleThe Graduate School of Education at NU and the Asian International University (Uzbekistan) jointly organized a webinar featuring young researchers.
For the first time, the «University Bridge» forum extended beyond the borders of Kazakhstan, transforming into an international event.
During the webinar, researchers from both countries engaged in discussions on critical aspects of research ethics, focusing on the main theme of «Research Integrity and Ethics». Speakers shared their insights and experiences in English, Kazakh, and Russian. Botagoz Ispambetova, Kanat Baikenov, and Akmaral Karabay from NU presented on topics including «Ethics in Research Involving Human Subjects», «Research Ethics: A Practical Example», and «Academic Integrity in Research: Understanding and Preventing Fabrication, Falsification, and Plagiarism». Uzbek researchers Oibek Murodov, Dildora Murodova, and Zarnigor Djalilova covered topics related to research data management, effective mentorship, and the ethical use of GenAI.
«This dialogue has transcended national borders for the first time, establishing an international platform to discuss one of the key themes in contemporary science – research ethics. This is a landmark event for the scientific community in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, uniting young scholars from both countries. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the webinar speakers – doctoral candidates from NU and Asian International University. This event highlighted the importance of international collaboration in the scientific arena and demonstrated high standards of research ethics. We are confident that such initiatives will further enhance and strengthen scientific ties between our countries», noted Zhanyl Zhontayeva, Director of Professional Development Programs at NU.
Founded in 2020, the «University Bridge» forum has gained popularity among students, master’s students, and doctoral candidates from Kazakh higher education institutions. Annually, participants exchange experiences and knowledge, while young researchers present their studies and explore collaboration opportunities. Initially launched by doctoral candidates from the Graduate School of Education at NU during the pandemic to support Kazakhstani students in online learning, the project has significantly evolved, becoming an essential platform for knowledge exchange and fostering collaboration within the academic community.